The ST. Matthew Passion
Bach's beloved Matthew Passion? Yes, but smaller, faster and lighter. Instead of a grandstand of choirs and soloists we see two singers, the double orchestra has been replaced by a combo and when the Passion begins, we don't hear the evangelist's tenor but a narrator. In our language, today, understandable for everyone, religious or not. And in modern arrangements, full of swing and colour, for which Bach's notes lend themselves perfectly. Yet it remains the Matthew. 78 pieces and some pieces in two parts, although it takes less time. With Thunder and Lightning, with the cry of distress on the cross Eli Eli Sabathani and of course with Erbarme Dich, brought movingly as Maria cries.
Re-translator Jan Rot tells the compelling story and explains a few things for laymen as well. The singing parts are divided between baritone Job Hubatka and soprano Sharon Kips, clear, passionate (and understandable!). The chorales are allowed to sing along, the text is projected. Look forward to the five virtuosos of Musica Extrema - Hans van der Maas accordion, Vasilis Stefanopoulos double bass, Carlos Matos piano, Tanya Schaap violin and orchestra leader and arranger Ben van den Dungen on saxophone. Or as someone said last year: 'I thought I knew the Matthew well, but it has never touched me like this before! |
The ST. Matthew Passion 2023