CAFE DU MONDE De zoektocht van Joke Bruijs
Each region, country and time has their own songs of life. These songs have in common that they describe both the joyful and melancholy moments that shape everyday life. Also songs about universal themes such as love and heart break, sung with great intensity and devotion.
Café du Monde is a musical production in which the most popular songs of life from over the whole world are performed. Tracks from The Netherlands, Italy, France, but also South-America. The song of life, chanson, schlager, copla, blues, fado, and smartlap in a fantastic musical production. Come and listen to the lyrical poets in Café du Monde! Together they created the most beautiful chansons, copla's, schlager, standards, fado's and smartlapps that the Netherlands, Italy, France, Romania and many other countries have produced. A fantastic and versatile show full of goose bumps and nostalgia. |